イギリスNTS Radio、FTDレーベル番組「From The Depth」に新しいMIXを提供しました。7/15金の夕方6PM-8PM(日本時間26時頃〜)に放送されたもようです。
番組「From The Depth」のアーカイブはこちら
先日7/3に開催された、来日中Don't DJ &YPYのスプリットツアー、東京フォレストリミット「isn't it?」での、ここしばらく自分の中でマイペースで探求している、SOMETHING IN THE AIR、MAGNETIC以降ネクストな世界観の1時間ほどのdeep breath tropicalなライブミックスです。
(DJ Soybeansさん、ナパーム片岡さんに感謝です。)
I have prepared a special mix for the NTS Radio.
Check out "From The Depth" on NTS Live, this Friday at 6PM- 8PM.
I personally enjoy works on FTD Records and have recommended them at newtone records where I regularly help out. They are a new label emerging from the London underground scene and I am humbled and honored for their invitation.
This mix is from a DJ set I did on the Don't DJ & YPY Japan Tour.
This was recorded live at the "isn't it?" show in Tokyo's Forestlimit on July 3rd.
Hopefully this 1 hour mix shows some of the things I've have been pursuing as of late.
(Special Thanks:DJ Soybeans & Napalm Kataoka)
English translation:Syunichiro Okada(ありがとうございます!)